With the passing by of last dawn of 2009 and the beginning of a new era my heartiest wishes to all my readers and each and every individual of this beautiful world. Today I am not in mood to write anything on usual finance topics and making you bored. I want to indulge myself with the entire world in the grand celebration. People around the world have already started sending wishes to their dear and near ones, sending greetings via sms or internet. Some are still trawling on net to find the best quotes, messages, or e-cards. With a moment New Year greetings and wishes will be bombarded around the world via different media of communication making the communication system jam or server busy, but still we will be trying our best to be the first to reach our near and dear ones. And why not its time to rejoice, make fun with all our family and friends gathered together to forget all the sad memories and to only recapitulate the happiest moments of past year to make a new beginning.
Nothing more to write today I am in a mood to enjoy, once again wishing every one and to the entire humanity a happy and enchanting new year ahead. May all your dreams come true this year. God bless you and the entire world.
Happy New Year 2010