Friday, July 24, 2009

Money as Debt …..Where will it end?

This Recession taught us many things ‘how we get into debt to banker’s debt piled upon debt in spite of bailouts, stimulus packages and in a situation where there was more materials, wealth and productivity then ever before with much more advanced technologies industrial development and last but not the least the new administration of Obama. All the answers to this question are explained in this video. It’s a must watch video for all.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

6 Types of Insurance.

6 Types of Insurance.

Insurance is a type of risk management or it can be termed as a security contract against contingent loss where the insured promises to pay certain amount of premium for a particular period and the insurer promises to compensate in case of any loss or damage of life or property of the insured. Nowadays various types of insurance are available in the market according to your need you want to get secured. But generally there are 6 types of insurance which are of most importance and available in the market.

Let’s have a look at it:-

1. Life Insurance:-Life is precious to secure you and your families’ life is the first and foremost thing you need to do, so Life insurance is the most important and valuable type of insurance and is must to get your life insured. This plan provides you coverage against any mishaps for the insured and his family. In order to get the benefits of this plan the policy holder has to pay a certain amount of premium for a time period.

2. Auto Insurance:-This policy provides coverage for any mishaps caused by accident or loss of any vehicles insured .The insured has to pay a monthly or yearly payment to get it covered and in return the insurer provides compensation in case of any mishaps or accident.

3. Health Insurance:-This plan helps you to cover your medical expenses in case of any medical treatment due to any accident or illness. This plan covers expenses like, doctor’s fees, medicine cost, hospital charges etc.

4.Home Insurance:-This is again an important type of insurance and much popular it provides coverage for any mishaps occurred on your home, compensation is paid on the insured home according to your policy .there are different types of Home insurance policies you can choose according to your need.

5. Business Insurance:-Business Insurance is a must for those who are engage in any type of business whether big or small it provides coverage for your liability and business property. There are various types of policy provided by different business concern of them the most popular one is “Business owners policy”(BOP),It is a package that covers property insurance, liability insurance, business interruption insurance.

6. Disability Insurance:-This Insurance provides financial coverage to an Insured person who has lost his ability to work due to illness or any mishaps due to any accident and he is unable to earn his living. Two types of disability insurance are (STD) Short Term Liability where compensation is provided for maximum 2 years whereas (LTD) Long Time Liability Where you can get benefit for whole life.

Other then this there are also other various insurance plans available in the market according to your needs but before going for any insurance plans go for a market research and get information from a qualified insurance agent in order to avoid any problem.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Psychic intuitions …….on we the people of U.S. and finance for the month of July.

Every one is aware of the current Scenario of U.S. Economy we are in the situation that every now and then we are eager to know what happening in and around us how far we have recovered from the global economic crisis not only about our economy but also about our peace and harmony of many nations that has been affected by terrorist activities in the recent past few months. Psychic Joseph Jacobs is sharing some of insight about the future abut we the people of U.S. and finance, unemployment. According to his predication the month of July not be good for the people and finance with losses however late August will see an upsurge for the country .He also speaks about the numerology let’s hear from him….

Saturday, July 4, 2009

IBR-Income-Based Repayment plan ……a new hope.

July 1st signs an array of new hope to lower your federal student loan payment as IBR (Income-Based Repayment plan) starts from 1st July 2009 now you pay and manage your debt more easily. This plan will help you to safeguard on adjustable-rate mortgages and forgives you from the increase/decrease of interest rate change on your loan amount per year or during the life thus caps your monthly payment forgiving remaining debt and interest after 25 years. If you are employed in a government, nonprofit, private sector or working as a teacher then your federal loans can be forgiven just after 10 years.Must watch this animated video for more explanation, what it is all about and where to look for more information.

Hope this video was helpful .Best of Luck.